Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chapter 1: Technologies for Teaching and Learning
Question 1: What is Educational Technology?

Educational technology has been defined by many to include "all sources of media used in the teaching process". The AECT has defined it as "the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning". The definition may vary according to whom you ask, but for all intensive purposes the answer is the same. In my opinion it is any source or form of electronic devices that may assist in the teaching-learning process.
Chapter one does a good job of looking at the different views and resources available to teachers today. It breaks down the different learning abilities of the student. The chapter covers how teachers have to understand that all students are different and will require different tools and resources for learning. Teachers have to decide what tools are available and how best to use them in order to enhance the learning capabilities of the student. Like the teacher in Illinois who found out that she had access to computers and internet for her gifted class. She didn't have a classroom in the beginning but she made do with the gym stage. She like other teachers has to continue to find ways to maximize the learning potentials of the student.
This chapter emphasizes also the importance of being aware of filters. Teachers need to utilize resources that will penetrate these filters to reach the student. When the right resource is used, filters can be compromised or even eliminated. Teachers must know the students in order to be aware of the various filters present in the classroom.
Overall this chapter does an excellent job of breaking down the definition of educational technology and how it effects on the learning process. This chapter has been an important chapter for me because it has provided a basis for the learning-teaching process.

Lever-Duffy, Judy & McDonald, Jean B. Teaching and Learning with Technology. Pearson Education, Inc., 2008. pp 4-33.


My name is Mary McSwain. I received my BSBA - Accounting in 1998 from USM. I am currently seeking my MAT. This is my first online course and first full semester back since 98. So needlessly to say, that all of this is a bit overwhelming for me. IT645 is a requirement for me - and a total shocker - but I have all intentions of making it through this course.

I have worked in the accounting field for the past 10 years. I currently work at USM in the Office of the Controller. I am the Chartfield Administrator, doing alot of different things with budgets.

My job experiences have introduced me to various in-house accounting systems, Lotus, Excel, People Soft, and email. I currently use both People Soft, Excel,instant messenger, and email on a daily basis. This is my first time blogging. Yes, I have heard of blogging, twitter, and others but until now have had no desires to actually try them.

I am not very technology savy, but I am very interested in this class. I have no desires to become an expert in blogging, but I do want to know enough to be able to create a webpage that students will find user friendly and enticing. I hope to gain and retain this knowledge in IT645. This knowledge will assist me greatly in the classroom. I pray I find my comfort zone soon, this will definitely enhance my learning potential.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Need a study group

Hi, my name is Mary McSwain. This is my first online course. I am not very computer literate, but I do need this class. Would any of you like to be in my study group; or better yet, do any of you need a third person.


Mary Mc