Week 7: What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous communication? Name and describe the Internet communication tools that fall into each category.
The difference between asynchronous and synchronous communication is timing. Asynchronous communication is when a message is sent via the web and there is no recipient eagerly waiting on the other end of the message. The message may be replied to immediately or whenever the recipient decides to acknowledge the message. As where with, synchronous communication is real time and there is someone usually on the other end waiting and ready to reply.
Types of asynchronous communication includes email, discussion, and mailing list. Email works similarly to the post office. Just as mail can be delivered to a post office box so can email be delivered to your electronic mailbox. Like the mail can be picked up at your convenience, the email can be opened at leisure. The electronic mailbox stores the mail until you decide to open it. Email offers exciting communication possibilities for both students and teachers. Teachers may utilize email to transmit assignments, communicate with students about assignments, talk to other teachers, and talk to parents.
Discussion sometimes called a bulletin board is another type of asynchronous communication. It is used to communicate one-to-many. Just like you post a message on a bulletin board, it is there for anyone who has access to the bulletin board to read, as are discussions. Threaded discussions evolve as people began to reply to the message and others read the comments and began to reply as well. Discussions may be either private or public depending on the sender.
The third type of asynchronous communication is electronic mailing lists also known as a "Listserv". This form automatically delivers email to those who subscribe to the list. The messages appears in the every subscribers email box like any other email. It has been my experience that most Listserv messages are for informational purposes only. Very rarely, if ever, have I had to reply to a listserv message.
Types of synchronous communication includes chat, instant messaging and videoconferencing. Chat occurs in a chat room. A chat room is established so that people can talk back and forth by typing their messages and sending them for public display in the chat room. In order for individuals to participate in a chat, they must all have the same chat software available. Another form of chat is instant messaging. It is a one-on-one chat that can be initiated whenever another user is simultaneously online. Instant messaging has proven itself to be a valuable tool in my job. I quickly IM an individual a question if I need an immediate response. It saves me time from having to call or initiate an email that they may or may not read immediately.
Another type of synchronous communication is videoconferencing. This allows users to both communicate with one another real time and actually see and hear the individual(s) on the other end. This method was used when I took high school calculus. I was able to see the instructor, hear the instructor, and see the other students at various other sites who were taking the class as well. Though there were delays sometimes in the verbal communication, it proved to be a nice set-up. The teacher was able to see the puzzled looks on faces, which allowed her to slow down and ask questions and vice versa.