Friday, April 30, 2010

Week #15 - Final Course Reflection

Final Course Reflection

I have learned quite a bit about how to utilize technology in the classroom. I must admit that I was very nervous about this course. I would like to reiterate that I am in no way computer savvy nor creative, but this course has given me a new perspective on technology.

Let’s begin with the blog. I am in no way a blogger. I had and still have quite a bit apprehension about blogs. Though I do not personally care for them, I do see the value in them. They can be utilized for communication purposes as in this class. The blog helped me share my difficulties with the projects as well as my individual learning experience with each assignment. The blog project will be useful in my classroom for the sake of students sharing their experiences on class assignments. The students’ blogs will help me assess my teaching and make necessary adjustments. These blogs will be visible to only students in the class. They will not be for the general public to view. I will not subject my students to any outside nonsense or predators.

The listserv was fairly easy for me to create. I was already familiar with this tool. I am currently on several different listservs at work. When you need general information disseminated to particular people really fast, the listserv is an awesome tool. Like for instance when the university is experiencing difficultly with SOAR, I receive an email via the listserv notifying me of the issue. I plan to establish a listserv for the students, parents, and administration at my school. I will post information such as class cancellations, assignment changes, and anything else that me be of importance to the class. The listserv will be available for all of the above groups use.

The podcasts and videos done by the professor proved to be very helpful to me when trying to figure out exactly what was expected. The podcasts and videos demonstrated exactly how the project was to be done or they gave me enough of an idea to figure out the project at hand.

I guess my favorite part of the class was creating the grading spreadsheet and the classroom website. I am very good with excel since I use it everyday in the workplace. I am also good with numbers, so when I saw that I had to do a grading spreadsheet in excel, I was very confident in that task. The website on the other hand, made me a bit nervous. This was my first time every creating a website. This task introduced me to new technology that I will definitely by using in my classroom. I can post the class syllabus, assignments, class averages, and resources for the students and parents use. The website was really the best piece of this class for me.

The flyer on the other hand was very difficult for me because I have no sense of creativity. I am a no-nonsense kind of person. I stick to the facts and get straight to the point. I am not much for the fluffy and smell good stuff that often times accompany the bottom line/facts. This again is why I was not very good with the PowerPoint quiz either. According to the professor, my quiz was very linear. Again, I reiterate that I am a linear person. This has proven to be my strength in my career and I hope it will remain a strength for me when I become a teacher. I will be teaching secondary education, so I will stimulate the minds of my students with facts and challenges not artsy work. Needlessly to say, when I had any project outside of my comfort zone, I did not do as well as I would have liked. Unfortunately for me, just about everything was beyond my comfort zone. Though I was introduced to a great amount of technology and tools, I mastered none of them. By the same token I must admit that I did enjoy them for the most part.

I will try to use flyers and PowerPoint presentations in my classroom when applicable, but I assure you that I will not be going out of my way to use either of the two. I will stick to those things in which I am good. I will stick with the classroom website, listserv, grading charts, parent letters, and things of that nature. Though I may have the students do a project that requires PowerPoint. The project may be graded by the students themselves in areas of appealing, design, and content. This may help me in utilizing PowerPoint more often in my classroom while giving me input on the students learning and creatively.

Again, I was terribly frighten of the movie, it turned out not be as difficult as I had first imaged it would be. The movie helped me to realize when I create my classroom website; I will need to be very familiar with every aspect of it. I had to constantly go back and forth on the website to make sure that I was stating everything correctly as I was doing the voice part of the video. This assignment taught me as well as got me more familiar with the website layout. The video making process was very time consuming and a bit tricky at times. I would do something and forget to save it and would end up repeating the step again. All of this taught me to save at every step of the process. This is yet another assignment that I think I may give my students. They may be responsible for making a 2-3 minutes video on a skill that is being taught in one of the semesters. This will not only benefit the students by introducing them to more technology but it will show me how much my students know about a particular skill.

Overall, I must say that this course has been a valuable asset to me. It has introduced me to a wide variety of tools and resources. I can envision me utilizing these tools in my classroom. Of coarse, some more than others, but I am open to all of the tools I have been fortunate enough to learn about this semester.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 13 Question #1

Question #1: What are the legal, social, and ethical issues arising in the Digital Age?

Copyright violations were of concern in education before the advent of technology. Generally, copyright laws do not allow use without the owner's permission, but there are some occasions when such use is allowed. Fair use guidelines describe circumstances under which a teacher can use copyrighted materials in face-to-face instruction. The TEACH Act offers similar guidelines for the use of copyrighted materials in distance learning. The evolution of technology is constantly challenging current copyright laws thus causing the laws to continuously change. Regardless of the ultimate rulings by legislators or courts, it will continue to be an educator's professional and legal responsibility to stay aware of changes to the law and to model its application in oclassroom.

Every child in the teacher's charge has a right to privacy. Parents must give permission to share any information about them to which you might be privy as a result of your position as their teacher. Violations of privacy when using technology can take many forms. At one time it was as simple as asking a child to sign a form that would allow individuals to obtain and share the personal information of the child. This conduct became so serious that in October 1998 Congress passed the COPA. COPA protects the child's privacy and sets guidelines for teachers to use in regards to students' privacy.

Once technology is made available to students, it is the obligatgion of educators to ensure that it is used appropriately. Just as educators would not allow questionable or inappropriate printed materials into the classroom, so too must they ensure that such materials available via technology be kept out of the classroom. There must be a code of ethics established where the teacher states the guidelines for using the internet for the students. Students must be assinged a discipline if the code of conduct is violated.

Equity and accessibility of technology are the most pressing and critical of these issues. Families with lower income have less acceess to the internet than do the high income families. This disapportionment is known as a digital divide. The divide does not occur along socioeconomic lines alone, but it also occurs along ethnic, gender, and education lines. More men are technologically savvy than women which may ultimately lead to the gender difference within the digital divide. The digital divide cannot help affecting technology literacy at every level of education. Awareness of the gap in access and the possible inequities along ethic, economic, gender, and eduation lines can help teachers become aware of their students' needs.

The Digital Age has also encountered ethical dilemas. One of the most significant of these is freedom of speech and the Internet. The internet is not regulated and contains content that is inappropriate for students. The biggest debate over this regulation is the freedom of speech amendment. Then comes the bebate, who has the responsibility to monitor the content of the information and opinions expressed on the web sites, conferences, and emails. While this controversy continues to rage, it remains the schools' reponsibility to control access on its network to areas of the Internet that are inappropriate for an academic setting.

The next ethical issue is that of privacy. Is it right to monitor the use of the Internet? The controversy arises as the rights of any agency, whether governmental or commercial, to closely monitor and record a peron's personal information or online activities. For educators, this issue is less murky. The primary responsibility is the safety of the students. Because schools and their technologies are public entities, monitoring activities are both appropriate and expected.

Another ethical issue is that of academic dishonesty. Some websites offer "services" to students so that they can hire someone to writed papers for them. Others let students post written assignments or retrieve assignments written by others. Academic dishonesty can be also be caused by students copying and pasting information directly from the Internet and not giving credit to the true authors. To address potential digital dishonesty, teachers and schools should have clearly defined and enforced policies to deal with digital academic dishonesty just as they do for dishonesty of the more traditional sort. There is antiplagiarism software available for teachers to use that compares student's work with well-known author's work and with work posted on the Web. Yet again, it is the teacher's responsibility to ensure that some sort of checks are in place to promote and enforce academic honesty.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Week 12 - Movie I really did not like this assignment. First it was the most time consuming project of them all. I had a hard time with the music. So needlessly to say that there is no music in my video. Just on the last side I lost everything that I had done. Good thing that I had decided to save at every slide. I had no clue how to get everything back. The last slide is missing the audio. I will redo at a later date. I have been working on this since 11a.m. this morning. I list serve was fairly easy. I utilize this tool very often in my job. If the university's server goes down, Itech is very good about informing the faculty and staff through a listserv.

Ms. Mary Mc's Movies

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Week Eleven - Chapters 9 & 10

Week 11 - Chapters 9 & 10
Question #3 - What is distance education? What types of support are critical to the success of distance education? Why?

An alternative delivery of instruction that has been created through the adaptation of communications technologies to education has been one of the most dramatic changes enabled by technology. Many schools and institutions of higher education have adopted this idea of moving information rather than people and have applied it to the delivery of instruction. This type of delivery approach has been referred to as distance-education. This IT645 class is a prime example of distance education.

In distance education technology is key to providing a format for academic communication and exchange. Advances in communication technologies and increases in available bandwidth are driving these continual improvements in distance delivery systems. The instructional potential offered by these systems has in turn, caused a rethinking of the nature of instruction.

In a distance-delivery environment, planning is even more crucial than that of a traditional classroom environment. This is due to the fact that in a traditional classroom the teacher is able to adapt and adjust to unforseen circumstances immediately. Where as in a distance-learning environment this timeliness factor is unavailable. Once an assignment has been given, it is very difficult to make changes because there is no assurance that everyone received the changes in a timely manner.

Feedback has been a great challenge for distance learning as well. In the traditional classroom the teacher can use both verbal and visual indicators as feedback . In the distance-learning environment it is critical to plan for adequate and frequent feedback within the instructional design itself. Just as with any instruction, students need confirmation that their understanding of concepts is correct.

Another key issue is evaluation of the distance education course. One of the most common approaches is to provide performance assessment alternatives that can be used in addition to testing. Distance educators must carefully consider the intended objectives and then creatively develop assessment alternatives that take advantage of the technologies in place. Such assessments may challenge students to demonstrate competencies even more effectively than those commonly found in traditional classrooms.

Once the intitial planning issues have been considered, the next step is to examine the supporting technologies that are available or that need to be acquired to implement the instructional design. Such technologies fall into two broad categories, technologies that support synchronous distance education and those that support asynchronous distance education.

Synchronous distance education is instruction that occurs at the same time, although typically not in the same place. In contrast, asynchromous distance education is time shifted. That is, teacher and students can participate at differing times from the same or different locations. The nature of the distance education program that a district or school chooses to implement will depend on whether the distance-delivery approach will be synchronous, asynchronous, or a combination of both.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week Ten - Class Website

Week 10 – Classroom Website

Classroom Website

This assignment was not difficult, but very time consuming. I had the most problem with converting the logo into a jpeg file. But I finally figured it out. I really learned a lot with this exercise. I shocked myself, before I had even gotten to the instructions to link the menu to the pages, I had already done it. So I am learning a little something. I really did enjoy this one – maybe because I allowed myself a little more time on it.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week 8 - Puzzle, Test, Rubric

Week 8 - Puzzle

Week 8 - Test

Week 8 - Rubic

Week 8 - TrackStar

The difficulty for me this time was the not saving my items, losing them, and having to go back and redo. Also, planning on my part. I totally forgot about us losing an hour this weekend so that put me into the rush mode again. I am really not very comfortable with all of the trackstar and webcite critiques. The assignments were not difficult, but I did run into a bit of a problem with the uploading. I tried 3 times before it finally went. But at least I got it to upload this time.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week 7: Question 2

Week 7: What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous communication? Name and describe the Internet communication tools that fall into each category.

The difference between asynchronous and synchronous communication is timing. Asynchronous communication is when a message is sent via the web and there is no recipient eagerly waiting on the other end of the message. The message may be replied to immediately or whenever the recipient decides to acknowledge the message. As where with, synchronous communication is real time and there is someone usually on the other end waiting and ready to reply.

Types of asynchronous communication includes email, discussion, and mailing list. Email works similarly to the post office. Just as mail can be delivered to a post office box so can email be delivered to your electronic mailbox. Like the mail can be picked up at your convenience, the email can be opened at leisure. The electronic mailbox stores the mail until you decide to open it. Email offers exciting communication possibilities for both students and teachers. Teachers may utilize email to transmit assignments, communicate with students about assignments, talk to other teachers, and talk to parents.

Discussion sometimes called a bulletin board is another type of asynchronous communication. It is used to communicate one-to-many. Just like you post a message on a bulletin board, it is there for anyone who has access to the bulletin board to read, as are discussions. Threaded discussions evolve as people began to reply to the message and others read the comments and began to reply as well. Discussions may be either private or public depending on the sender.

The third type of asynchronous communication is electronic mailing lists also known as a "Listserv". This form automatically delivers email to those who subscribe to the list. The messages appears in the every subscribers email box like any other email. It has been my experience that most Listserv messages are for informational purposes only. Very rarely, if ever, have I had to reply to a listserv message.

Types of synchronous communication includes chat, instant messaging and videoconferencing. Chat occurs in a chat room. A chat room is established so that people can talk back and forth by typing their messages and sending them for public display in the chat room. In order for individuals to participate in a chat, they must all have the same chat software available. Another form of chat is instant messaging. It is a one-on-one chat that can be initiated whenever another user is simultaneously online. Instant messaging has proven itself to be a valuable tool in my job. I quickly IM an individual a question if I need an immediate response. It saves me time from having to call or initiate an email that they may or may not read immediately.

Another type of synchronous communication is videoconferencing. This allows users to both communicate with one another real time and actually see and hear the individual(s) on the other end. This method was used when I took high school calculus. I was able to see the instructor, hear the instructor, and see the other students at various other sites who were taking the class as well. Though there were delays sometimes in the verbal communication, it proved to be a nice set-up. The teacher was able to see the puzzled looks on faces, which allowed her to slow down and ask questions and vice versa.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week 6 - Mid Term Assignment

Week 6 - Grading Chart

Week 6 - Flyer

Week 6 - Quiz

This has been a very difficult assignment for me. I reiterate, that this is my first online class and first IT class. I was and still am very apprehensive about this assignment. I know nothing about creating flyers first and foremost. I am not a very creative person. I am a very straight forward person as you may can tell from my flyer. Creativity was the most difficult part of this assignment.

I really did not have any trouble with setting up my grading system, but I did stumble on the way in which to present the information to the parents. Again, creativity isn't one of my strong points. Other than that the assignment was time consuming because I just did not know exactly what or how to format my 3 documents in a way that would be most beneficial to the parents.

Now, I found I that I was wrong. The hardest thing about this assignment was getting the documents to post in both Blackboard and this blog. I tried for hours last night to get the documents uploaded with no success. Now this morning at work, they uploaded with no problem in Blackboard but still having some difficulty with the links to this blog.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 5 - Question 1

Week 5 – Chapters 5 & 6
Question 1: What is productivity software? How can it be adapted to benefit and learning? What are the advantages and features of electronic spreadsheet? How do you see them as a benefit in an educational environment?

Productivity software is a type of administrative software. This type of software can be used by educators for administrative and professional purposes. Examples of productivity software include word processing, spreadsheets, and data base management. Word-processing software is the most commonly used computer based application and has all but replaced the typewriter. The word-processor is cable of creating, editing, and printing document which the most advanced electronic typewriter is limited to creating and editing. Word-processing data is stored in electronic format which makes it easier to edit at any given time. Once the electronic information has been edited to the user’s standard, it can be printed at the push of the mouse. There is no need for the manual lining up of the paper as with the electronic typewriter. Most word-processing packages share common features which makes it easier for the user to use when editing, desktop publishing, archiving and printing.

Electronics spreadsheets are the numeric version of word-processing. Electronic spreadsheets offer the convinence of organizing, inputting, editing, charting data, producing accurate professional reports for any administrative tasks that deal with extensively with numbers. You can create a template where you only have to input numbers and await answers because the necessary formulas have already been created within the spreadsheet. You can create charts and graphs from the numeric data inputted into a spreadsheet.

These spreadsheets can be utilized in the classroom for class role, grading charts, classroom budget, assignment log, and other administrative or classroom purposes. A teacher can give a parent an overall view as to how a student is doing compared to the rest of the class by taking the information inputted into the grading spreadsheet and creating a comparative graph. Spreadsheets can be utilized to show the individual student what grade needs to made on any given assignment in order to obtain a certain grade. The teacher can create graphs to compare the class against class and student against student with the input from the spreadsheet. Spreadsheets can be used to formulate any numeric outcome possible while having the ability to transform this data into various charts and graphs.

School administrators can use spreadsheets to track teachers’ leave and sick days. Administrators can use spreadsheets to track school budgets, bus schedules, and other school activities. Spreadsheets can be used all throughout just about every aspect of the school system.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week 4: Question 3 - Chapters 3 & 4

Week 4: Chapters 3 & 4 : How do increasing computer power, decreasing size, and wireless communications make technology-enhanced classrooms more flexible? What is a virtual environment? What potential does it hold for education?
First, by increasing computer power is often times synonymous with increasing the speed which allows the teacher more time to teach and less time waiting on the computer to boot up, search the web, or produce results. Decreasing size allows the teacher more room in classroom for the students and other needed resources. Often times the classrooms are to capacity with the students alone. The addition of computers need not be cumbersome, but rather convenient as they were intended to be. The use of wireless connections opens schools up to bigger and often better opportunities. Wireless connections allows the teachers the freedom to be connected to the web at almost any location within the classroom. So students don't necessarily have to be seated at a certain computer located in a specific location in the classroom. Students can utilize laptops in the classroom with wireless connection while reducing the space needed for a PC and CPU.
Wireless connections can also be connected to a main server which allows students to be connected to and share with others within the school as well as in the school district. The server allows for teachers and students to be connected to one another and it does not limit their access to one computer. As long as the teachers or students are able to access the server, they would be able to access any saved files on the server. Many schools are going to the wireless option because it does allow for the freedom of both teachers and students not to be tide down to a central workstation. Wireless combine with networking allows for the sharing of software, applications, and information. The only real downside to the wireless connection with the server is the security risks. Wireless connection is more susceptible to security breach than the traditional Internet connection.
Moving on to the virtual environment. Virtual environment is "the creation of a digital environment in which you can interact". Virtual reality "can range from very sophisticated to relatively simple process of stitching together successive images to create a 3D space". These images allows the teachers as well as the students the opportunities to experience things and places they may never visit in their lifetime. Virtual reality can help prepare students for situations in which they may experience in their future careers. The military along with NASA now uses virtual reality in their training processes. Virtual reality holds endless possibilities for the future.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 3 / Chap 2 / Question 2

Chapter 2: Designing and Planning Technology-Enhanced Instruction
Question 2: What is the difference between formative feedback and summative feedback?

The difference between formative feedback and summative feedback is the timing in which the feedback occurs. With formative feedback, feedback is giving continuously within the teaching-learning process, and where summative feedback occurs at the end of a process. As chapter 2 points out, both methods must be utilized in the instructional design process to reach the student’s ultimate potential.
This chapter illustrates how critical formative feedback is in the DID process. With formative feedback the teacher is continually making improvements to her lesson plans in order to maximize the student’s learning. Lesson plans are written well in advance of meeting the individual student. So once in the classroom if something isn’t going according to the lesson plans, the teacher is able to adapt and change her plans as needed. Formative feedback allows for a great deal of flexibility in the actual implementation of the lesson plans. Formative feedback also provides teachers with the ability to know when to proceed to the next step in the lesson plan. By the same token, it signals when teachers may need to slow down in certain areas.
While formative feedback is continuous within the teaching-learning process, summative feedback occurs at the end of each process. When a teacher has made all of the necessary adjustments identified by formative feedback, then she has the task of possibly improving the process as a whole. Summative feedback may show that a teacher needs to extend or either condense the timing of a particular process. It may even show the teacher that she may or may not need to include certain types of educational technology in her plans.
Summative like formative feedback is used to continuously improve the teaching-learning process. As this chapter clearly points out, “no design is perfect”. So teachers must continue to improve their process in order to maximize the quality of their output. Summative is used to evaluate the process as a whole. Did 95% of the class learn how to do the distributive method in math this week? This is a question that can be answered by utilizing summative feedback.
Teachers must figure out how to obtain both kinds of feedback. Whether it be by taking the class average as a whole for a particular set of lesson plans or giving the students a end of lesson form to determine their learning competency, the teacher must be able to measure her success or failure. No teacher wants her teaching to be considered ineffective. So teacher should make use the steps in the DID model in order to achieve the fullest potential of the student.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chapter 1: Technologies for Teaching and Learning
Question 1: What is Educational Technology?

Educational technology has been defined by many to include "all sources of media used in the teaching process". The AECT has defined it as "the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning". The definition may vary according to whom you ask, but for all intensive purposes the answer is the same. In my opinion it is any source or form of electronic devices that may assist in the teaching-learning process.
Chapter one does a good job of looking at the different views and resources available to teachers today. It breaks down the different learning abilities of the student. The chapter covers how teachers have to understand that all students are different and will require different tools and resources for learning. Teachers have to decide what tools are available and how best to use them in order to enhance the learning capabilities of the student. Like the teacher in Illinois who found out that she had access to computers and internet for her gifted class. She didn't have a classroom in the beginning but she made do with the gym stage. She like other teachers has to continue to find ways to maximize the learning potentials of the student.
This chapter emphasizes also the importance of being aware of filters. Teachers need to utilize resources that will penetrate these filters to reach the student. When the right resource is used, filters can be compromised or even eliminated. Teachers must know the students in order to be aware of the various filters present in the classroom.
Overall this chapter does an excellent job of breaking down the definition of educational technology and how it effects on the learning process. This chapter has been an important chapter for me because it has provided a basis for the learning-teaching process.

Lever-Duffy, Judy & McDonald, Jean B. Teaching and Learning with Technology. Pearson Education, Inc., 2008. pp 4-33.


My name is Mary McSwain. I received my BSBA - Accounting in 1998 from USM. I am currently seeking my MAT. This is my first online course and first full semester back since 98. So needlessly to say, that all of this is a bit overwhelming for me. IT645 is a requirement for me - and a total shocker - but I have all intentions of making it through this course.

I have worked in the accounting field for the past 10 years. I currently work at USM in the Office of the Controller. I am the Chartfield Administrator, doing alot of different things with budgets.

My job experiences have introduced me to various in-house accounting systems, Lotus, Excel, People Soft, and email. I currently use both People Soft, Excel,instant messenger, and email on a daily basis. This is my first time blogging. Yes, I have heard of blogging, twitter, and others but until now have had no desires to actually try them.

I am not very technology savy, but I am very interested in this class. I have no desires to become an expert in blogging, but I do want to know enough to be able to create a webpage that students will find user friendly and enticing. I hope to gain and retain this knowledge in IT645. This knowledge will assist me greatly in the classroom. I pray I find my comfort zone soon, this will definitely enhance my learning potential.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Need a study group

Hi, my name is Mary McSwain. This is my first online course. I am not very computer literate, but I do need this class. Would any of you like to be in my study group; or better yet, do any of you need a third person.


Mary Mc